2009 Canadian e-Learning Conference Program
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Keynote: Barbara Ganley

Barbara Ganley
Barbara Ganley recently left higher education to set up the nonprofit, Digital Explorations, dedicated to helping rural towns in the United States explore the impact of social media on physical community through the creation of downtown Centers for Community Digital Exploration and through storytelling-and-civic-engagement projects. Previously she taught writing at Middlebury College where she explored creative dissonance across formal and informal contexts through the use of social media within writing classrooms. Her research and artistic interests include the multimedia Web essay and re-story, and slow-blogging as a vehicle for personal expression, community-building, and connected learning. She situates herself at the slow-blogging, out-of-school-altogether end of edupunk. You can find her blogging at bgblogging.com.

View Barbara Ganley’s Keynote on prezi.com.

CeLC Keynote by Barbara Ganley (Full Video)

CeLC Keynote by Barbara Ganley Part I (Collaboration and Social Media)

CeLC Keynote by Barbara Ganley Part II (Fear and In-Depth Engagement)

CeLC Keynote by Barbara Ganley Part III (Mixing and Open Windows)

CeLC Keynote by Barbara Ganley Part IV (Core Principles of Learning)

CeLC Keynote by Barbara Ganley Part V (Metaphor and Evaluations)

CeLC Keynote by Barbara Ganley Part VI (Questions and Pushback)

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