Session Title: Wimba’s Collaboration Suite
Time & Date: 2:00 P.M. – 2:55 P.M., Thursday, June 18, 2009
Location: Rm. 261, Irving K. Barber Learning Centre (IKBLC)
Session Description: Learn how the Wimba Collaboration Suite® facilitates real-time communication, visualization using video, and participation through voice to encourage active involvement and improve student engagement. Enjoy the ability to participate actively in the presentation through more formal and informal learning experiences via Wimba Classroom and Pronto.
Conference Stream: Extending the CMS
Session Format: Collaboratory
Co-Presenter: Steve Kann
Co-Presenter Bio: Steve is the Chief Technical Officer and founder of Wimba.
Co-Presenter: Estelita Young
Co-Presenter Bio: Estelita teaches two online Spanish courses using Wimba’s Solutions.
Co-Presenter: Gina Connors
Co-Presenter Bio: Gina is a regional sales manager for Wimba.